I am captivated by bulerías. Simplemente, me cautivan.

Here's a letra for today.


Mi madre me lo decía 
que no te quisiera tanto
que no te lo merecía

My mother told me
not to love you so much
that you didn't deserve it 

Whoa!  Que fuerte.

Now a task for you.

No. let's call it a game, un juego. Go watch the video up there, by the way, this is the same part of Carlos Saura's flamenco that totally freaked me out before I went to Spain for the first time, and has kind of haunted me ever since. But anyway, watch it, and see if you can pick out this letra from all of the bulerias being sung.  

At shows sometimes my friends who don't speak Spanish will later ask me what the singer was singing about. And all I can tell them is that I have absolutely no idea. I notice often times I get so focused on either the dancing or the music that I completely forget to pay attention to the words. This is in part why I love looking at the letras here, all by themselves. I wonder. Is it because I'm spacey or is it that I'm caught up in the moment and all that is going on?

Does this ever happen to you? Thoughts about this letra? You can leave a comment below. Yesterday Dean mentioned that he likes hanging out here and practicing his Spanish, Olé. That makes me very happy.

UPDATE: You can see it here por tangos.

In the video above you can hear:

This one that Zorri dances to at 4:45


This one at 5:30
